25 thoughts
  1. tuzitoytacvbo says:

    ILOVE Drogba

  2. alberto florea says:

    We Love you mate hope the fans in the team you are going will respect you CoME ON YOU BLUES

  3. xreaagax says:

    hes was a great, an awesome player, but now that hes gone i hope torres will get his chance <3.

  4. sexywiput says:

    Thanks for all the joy and happiness you have brought us all these years, Drog. You are truly the blue’s legend and we all wish you a successful life both on and off the pitch.

    A Thai fan.

  5. MrGreensee says:

    How about John?

  6. dhsl0714 says:


    not to say the reasons

  7. MW3Gam3Playz says:

    lol i know

  8. pricefixingmaster says:


  9. MW3Gam3Playz says:


  10. pricefixingmaster says:


  11. pricefixingmaster says:

    Chelsea are fucked you can never replace a player like him bye bye chelsea cmon united

  12. chelseafcfanwoohoo says:

    Favorite player at cchelsea Go drogba Smash Rooney But Draw With Messi well because sometime messi messes up

  13. MW3Gam3Playz says:


  14. xMastelite says:


  15. MW3Gam3Playz says:

    NO DROGBA = NO CHAMPIONS LEAGUE THIS SEASON ( we wouldnt have won The CL without Drogba)

  16. rahtidboydem says:

    No homo but i bet the Drog has a huge cock. If you caught him crackin your girl open i think you might as well walk away and shut the door behind you

  17. JOSHBATTLE says:

    Nigger said what?

  18. MrKillacus says:

    shut up cock head :):)

  19. stunts405 says:

    Drogba Your the most loved player in fullham:) xx <3

  20. Groundwalker101 says:

    Roy Bentley 1956

    Jimmy Greaves 1961

    Bobby Tambling 1970

    Peter Osgood 1971

    Didier Drogba 2012

    Chelsea best club in the world! KTBFFH!!!

  21. Majorvino says:

    This man is a example for every fckin striker!!!!!!! when teaching youngsters they should only show his videos ,,,, and hell yeahh he must get a statue!!!!!!!!!

  22. SuperBigclos says:

    Chelsea Legend.

  23. Saralcfc says:

    10 fuckin ppl r too dumb to understand a legend like drogba <3

  24. fobolsjov says:

    i honestly thought “get hulk and gaby mudingaye” so i predict they will get gaby mudingaye

  25. 14eriksava says:

    He is only leaving the team.

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